Dave Yelen, Oneonta, Alabama USA

Graphic Design & Amazon KDP Publishing

Explore your creativity

These days, having a design that stands out and still reflects your vision takes a lot more than just picking clipart and free stock photos. Combining your vision with graphic designs that incorporate a complete flow and consistency throughout your business keeps viewers engaged and focused on your content.

Today, much of the expertise in graphic design translates to print and new oppurtunities for authors to self-publish at very little cost with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) services.  While many of the concepts are similar, stepping up to producing high quality and impressive books does require some specialized expertise if you want your hard work to show.

It has been said, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!”  Online, you don’t get to see a book in person, so the cover can make the difference between someone purchasing your book and passing it up for something else.  Cover design is another specialty we offer.

One aspect of understanding how covers are created involves the idea that every printed book and every different size of a printed book has a cover specifically sized and aligned to the number of pages within the book.  Understanding the templating needed and being able to adapt your cover design to these templates and parameters are critical during the publishing phase.

See some examples on Amazon.com

Affiliate Links require disclosure (above) to identify that commissions may be paid when following the links. When creating links to Amazon products, including KDP books, this disclosure should be part of your page.  Technically, self-published authors selling KDP books on Amazon collect commissions on sales, so it is best to always just include this disclosure. (See Amazon terms and conditions for more information regarding this.)

Web - Specific Graphics

GIF graphics allow for “animated” effects and often custom designed animated graphics can really add a “punch” to your online presentation.

Gears of Reality
spinning graphic
Digital Design GIF